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Intro to 3D Character Art with Cinema4D
Installing Cinema4D
Installation (5:50)
Getting Started with Cinema4D
Basic Movements (1:52)
Objects (4:27)
Main Toolbar (11:48)
Selection Modes and timelines (8:48)
Materials and extra tools (8:52)
Base Modeling
Introduction to base mesh modeling (1:11)
Setting up our mesh character reference (5:00)
Intro to sculpting (7:55)
Basic Modeling with Extrusions (6:31)
Modeling the coat tails (12:15)
Modeling the coat collar (9:24)
Remove head add collar (3:41)
model sculpt belt sleeve (8:48)
model a belt buckle (5:22)
split and mirror our model (7:27)
UV Mapping
Introduction to UV mapping (5:06)
Fixing coat seams (3:48)
Relax UV Error Fix (8:38)
UV unwrap the collar (5:44)
UV unwrap the legs (11:00)
UV unwrap the coat (11:09)
Body Paint
Intro to Bodypaint in C4D (10:34)
Paste in our character reference (12:34)
Continued Texture placement on character (12:29)
Cloning in textures-seam on legs PT1 (10:35)
Cloning in textures-seam on legs PT2 (7:33)
Cloning in textures-seam on legs PT3 (7:14)
painting the last of the legs (10:34)
Painting in our arms (13:38)
Duplicating our arm textures (2:42)
Painting in the body part 1 (12:32)
Painting in the body part 2 (7:05)
Link with photoshop from bodypaint (13:17)
Painting in details-seams (10:13)
Final touches in Bodypaint (8:27)
Introduction to sculpting layout (4:23)
Sculpt layers and sculpt boots (11:43)
Sculpt the knee pads (5:27)
Sculpt pants using set selection (11:44)
Sculpting the jacket pt 1 (13:52)
Sculpting the jacket pt 2 (8:28)
Sculpting the collar (4:31)
High detail sculpting with texture brushes (15:35)
Bake out sculpt data (6:47)
Painting Reflections
Setting up the HDR environment (2:34)
Setup our reflection channel (2:06)
2 channels - reflection and roughness (2:29)
Setup reflection in bodypaint (2:47)
Paint in our reflection strength pt1 (4:09)
Paint in our reflection strength pt2 (7:54)
Paint in our reflection strength pt3 (6:00)
Paint in our roughness channel (6:08)
paint in our bump channel (10:27)
paint in our hands and belt (16:34)
Create A Face In Cinema4D
setting up base mesh and reference images (5:50)
Base modeling the face (14:46)
Detailed sculpt of face (11:16)
Painting our face (14:40)
Baking out face normals (5:31)
Creating Hair In Cinema4D
Simple way through sculpting (9:04)
Make hair in c4d studio pt1 (11:31)
Make hair in c4d studio pt2 (7:04)
Bring Our Model Into Unity
Prepping character for unity (11:58)
Rigging Animating in Mixamo (6:31)
FBX into Unity (10:39)
Fix Reflections - make it perfect (9:41)
Paint in our roughness channel
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